How do you choose the roasters?
We scour the Houston area for the best local roasters, and taste every bean before sending them. Our goal is to introduce you to new roasters or new roasts from an old favorite every month so you can explore all the delicious coffee Houston has to offer.
How do I change my roast preference?
We only offer one roast preference at this time which is a medium to light-medium. These beans can be used for espresso and often are at our local coffee shops if that is your preference. If you are using a lighter roast for pulling espresso shots you may need to experiment with your setup to make sure you're getting the proper extraction to maximize the flavor profile of a lighter bean.
How did you get into this?
Abraham and Adrianne got into this naturally - by loving coffee! During the pandemic we realized how many awesome roasters we had around us and wanted to make sure we supported them and kept them open so we could continue to explore and enjoy the awesome Houston coffee scene. Folks realized we knew a lot of roasters and asked for our recommendations and the idea for the club was born.